Raging Love (Medusa)

2023 133 x 70 cm 鍍鈦不鏽鋼, 壓克力顏料 Titanium Coated Stainless Steel, Acrylic Paint

  • "Raging Love (Medusa)" is an evocative piece inspired by the tragic tale of Medusa. After being violated by Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea, Medusa was cruelly punished by Athena, who transformed her into a monstrous figure instead of offering help. This artwork captures Medusa's fury and pain, conveying a powerful narrative of betrayal and rage. The colors represent the furious rage she harbors and the love she can never afford to experience anymore.

    In "Raging Love (Medusa)," Johnny Chen showcases a unique approach to metal grinding, diverging from the typical use of broad strokes. Instead, Johnny employs meticulous, detailed strokes to enhance the intricate snake patterns, making them gleam brilliantly on the titanium-coated platform. This technique brings an added depth and intensity to the artwork, emphasizing the complexity and beauty of Medusa's character while highlighting Johnny's mastery of his craft.




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